The Advanced Timber Manufacturing Hub
The Advanced Timber Manufacturing Hub
The Advanced Timber Manufacturing Hub (ATMH) will enable the development of high value products from small diameter regrowth, sourced from thinning of native forest and sustainable harvesting operations where the primary purpose is to produce sawlogs. The ATMH will introduce new markets and technologies that ensure full utilisation of the wood fibre harvested.
This initiative supports the Forest Management Plan 2014-2023 (the Forest Management Plan) to ensure healthy forests whilst introducing new technologies and innovation within the forest sector. This includes the use of robotics, new advanced manufacturing systems and a more efficient supply chain. The ATMH is a common user infrastructure facility that will offer infrastructure to accommodate several wood-related industries.
Biomass Cogeneration Report
The Moore Rd Timber precinct located in Dardanup, WA, incorporates a number of large processors that transform fibre resources into a wide range of valuable products. These processes are energy intensive and there is potential to utilise locally available biomass to generate green heat and power to improve the carbon footprint and long-term viability of these industries.
The report (linked below) summarises the findings of this assessment work and provides a basis for further investigation into biomass cogeneration in this precinct.